Thursday, 29 September 2011

A new chapter

Hey guys. So im new at blogging so bare with me (we all have to start somewhere). So since im starting college I kind of want to document it here. Im gonna try to explain troubles and hardships of everyday life with having ADHD, an IEP and how to over come them. So here's a little info about myself. Im 18 and live in Ontario, Canada. No gonna tell you anymore then that. I started a program at college (notice how I didnt say the name of the college lol) called a bridge program. So you might be asking what a bridge program is, so this is what the website says:
This dual credit program offers high school students the opportunity, upon successful completion, to earn up to 2 secondary school credits at their home school and 2 additional optional credits towards their OSS. Students will also earn up to 2 general education elective courses towards the completion of a college program. Students will spend half of the day in their home school and spend the other half of the day (Monday to Thursday) at ............ college.

So the perks of this program is free text books, free transportation and its 2 less courses I have to take when I do the full time program. BTW I graduated high skool already

So I am the second born of 5 kids. The order is my older sis who is 20, me 18, my younger sis 16, and my two younger brothers ages 14 and 8. My parents are divorced but my mom is with my step dad he is the father of my youngest brother. My gave birth to him so he is my brother.

So I think that should be it for today, plz follow me and I will be trying to post atleast 2-3 times a week. I will be not only posting about how to overcome obstacles but might also post something funny or even show off some of my cool nail designs that I do. So until next time bye!!

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